There are a couple days which are not really single-entry-worthy but that I should at least mention. For example, as the “official” City Tour was…
[Jorge Diz Pico]
Diario de los meses previos and the first ones during my Erasmus.
There are a couple days which are not really single-entry-worthy but that I should at least mention. For example, as the “official” City Tour was…
You know the thing about Ikea? It’s a labyrinthic nightmare. But I should start from the beginning. There was so many people waiting to go…
Well, it was time to make my first laundry. I borrowed some products from Juan and went down with Émilie to spoil our clothes together.…
As I said plenty of times, the Erasmus is all about trying new things. Some of them come unexpectedly. For example, when the plug sockets…
Friday was enrollment day. We had to fill a yellow form and get a picture taken for the student card. We were also given or…
“Do you have any questions?” Murphy answered for me: “no”. And as soon as I walked out of the door, 300 spartan doubts came to…
We interrupt our usual program to remind all the females in the audience of this regulation: Cute Erasmus chicks are not allowed by law to…
On Tuesday we had a group meeting with our coordinators. Nothing of interest was said there. And on the afternoon I took a looong nap…
I think no-one knew exactly what “the FestU party” was, but it looked like a pretty big ass party, so everyone went down to Georgia…
KNOCK KNOCK. Damn. “We’re going to the park to have a BBQ, hurry up.” It’s not like I never had a barbecue before, but truth…
“My room looks weird.” It’s funny when some parts of your brain wake up before the others. Juan woke me with a heavy knock on…
The day began early, specially after a week of picking up the habit of watching Star Trek episodes until 4am. I didn’t feel tired, though,
640 KB deberían bastarle a cualquiera Bill Gates(aunque en realidad no lo dijo) 15 KG deberían bastarle a cualquiera CEO de RyanAir(este seguro que lo…
Resulta que como buen Erasmus, me abrí una cuenta CaixaGalicia de esas sin comisiones ni cosas. Pero claro, recordé los líos que habíamos tenido al…
Durante mi estancia en Escocia, un tipo de la TNT me llamó quejándose de que nunca había nadie en mi casa (cosa extraña pues siempre
Unos pocos antecedentes para aquellos que no hayan visto la cuarta temporada. <Como no podía ser menos, guiados por el placer de contravenir tradiciones, el Paso…
Me han rechazado en el curso de sueco. Lo cierto es que ya lo sabía desde hará una semana, pero me dijeron que estaba en…
Vale, igual no está en el quinto pino, pero en el tercero sí. Si vais a Maps, la uni está donde pone Johanneberg (y la…
Spoiler: acabo de comprar un Mac. No ha sido fácil: he sorteado obstáculos como para llevar oro olímpico. La mañana empezó bien. Fui alegremente a
Hace tres días le mandé yet another mail a Ing-Britt y me contestó que hubo un traspapeleo, pero que ya tenía mis documentos en su…