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José Antonio Maravall

I was wondering if you could help me with these sentences from Jose Antonio Maravall? ‘llevado del propositio de dar un giro a este tono estimativo’ and the second one is: ‘aunque seria de una ingenuidad inadmisible juzgar que se trate de situaciones cuyo diagnostico se pueda aproximar’ It would be GREAT help thanks!

Sure! They are indeed tricky. Let’s see if I can help.

First one:

llevado del propósito de dar un giro a este tono estimativo

Llevado is ‘carried by’, propósito is ‘purpose’ and dar un giro means ‘to make sth turn/spin’. All in all, we could translate the sentence as:

with the goal of spinning this estimative tone into a new direction

I have no context, but I’d guess it means something like this in layman’s terms:

trying to find a new point of view for this guessing approach

Now, for the second:

aunque sería de una ingenuidad inadmisible juzgar que se trate de situaciones cuyo diagnóstico se pueda aproximar

Ingenuidad is ‘naïvety’ and juzgar means ‘to assert’ in this context. The other words are quite similar to their English counterparts, so:

even though it would be of an inadmissible naïvety to assert we are discussing situations whose diagnosis can be approximated

Which, in simpler English, is:

even though it would be quite naïve to think we know what’s really going on in these situations

Let me know if something is not clear enough.

Originally published in Talk like a Spaniard.

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