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Moving to Barcelona

Please update more!! This blog es lo mejor!!

Thanks you! I’m sorry I was missing for such a long time. I did feel guilty for leaving you all hanging and the questions piling up.

A bunch of things conflated during these last weeks: Christmas (which is sacred family time in Spain, and even more in my family), a 10-day trip to the US that I treated myself to (visited NYC and Boston, lovely cities!) and finally moving to Barcelona for a new job!

Yup, I quit my old job as software developer in Madrid and I am now doing research in computational linguistics at the PRBB center in Barcelona. My research will do with simulations of language features as they evolve in conversational games between agents.

I am still settling down in the city, but I should have more time to keep this blog up and running. Unfortunately for you, in my old job I had access to a hundred-people office from all over Spain to inquire them about different dialectal varieties, and boy did I pester with questions.

On the plus side, I am now doing something I like, and I am happy, so you are all happy for me, right? 🙂

Anyway, thanks for your support. I’m back at the helm so keep the questions coming, and remember I am always available on Twitter if you want: @xurxodiz

Originally published in Talk like a Spaniard.

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